September 11th, 2016:

5 Reasons Why Online Reviews Count Today!!

online-reviewsCustomer Service today is now all about “Reputation Management”. As many get ready for the seasonal rush this fall, it is time to also do a check on your customer service, your reviews and consumer “touch-points” to make sure your organization is ready. Think for a moment, have you ever written an on-line review, especially when you were upset? Ouch! These poor reviews sting for a business owner, customer service department or CEO, and can demoralize those who work or volunteer for your organization. It can kill a “brand” that you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Or on the other hand, positive reviews can ensure that you are the trusted source. With just a click of a button at the end of everyone’s fingertips – the customer now has the power firmly in their hands.

The top 5 Reasons why online reviews really count?

  1. It used to be that only customer service departments actually saw or heard the complaints (and most of the time they were just the really serious issues where a customer took the time to write or call). Now even minor service breakdowns, in addition to more serious issues can end up all over the internet. No longer can a company keep their challenges behind a closed door in a customer service department while they deal with a customer and resolve complaints.
  2. 80-90% of consumers check out online reviews before making a purchase.
  3. 88% of people “trust” online reviews.
  4. Customers are likely to spend 30% more if reviews are excellent.
  5. Losing a Customer to bad reviews costs too much. If you have not done the math lately, click on the link and download this FREE ORGANIZATIONAL Assessment to calculate the costs:

The goal of the future will be to ensure everyone in an organization is prepared to avoid, avert, or fix service breakdowns before, and after, they happen.

As we come back from the summer months and begin to prepare for a busy holiday season, take a moment and check out your On-line reviews by doing a search on the Internet. Just type in your organization’s name and the word “reviews”. Remember, these are only the reviews you can see – many more may be out there on consumers’ own personal social media that you may never know of.

Online Reviews really count, because the cost is just too high. Everyone is responsible now for Customer Service and the skills are universal. Get training today, anytime, anywhere from any device for everyone. To learn more; go to and click on ONLINE LEARNING.

Also, if you want to continue learning and have not done so already, sign up for the newsletter and watch for upcoming issues on best ways to handle online reviews.


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